Paola Bertucci Professor of History and History of Medicine; Curator-in-charge, History of Science and Technology Division, Peabody Museum paola.bertucci@yale.edu Phone: 203-432-1397 |
material histories of science and technology, museums and collecting, early modern craft and labor, the early modern body, 18th-century experimental philosophy |
Sakena Abedin Lecturer in the History of Science and Medicine sakena.abedin@yale.edu |
20th century U.S. medicine; medicine and the social sciences; race and medicine; history of the U.S. healthcare system; healthcare in New Haven |
Elaine Ayers Lecturer in History of Science & Medicine elaine.ayers@yale.edu |
Natural History; Colonialism; Art and Science; Collecting; Museum Studies; Botany |
Deborah Coen Professor of History & History of Science & Medicine deborah.coen@yale.edu Phone: +1 (203) 436-8100 |
History of the modern physical and environmental sciences; Central European intellectual and cultural history |
Ivano Dal Prete Lecturer in History, Director of Undergraduate Studies 2023-2024 ivano.dalprete@yale.edu |
Early history of the Earth sciences (1200-1800); Renaissance scientific literature in the vernacular; generation in the long eighteenth century; material and visual culture of astronomy and natural history; science, religion and society |
Megann Licskai Lecturer in the History of Science and Medicine; Senior Project Director, HSHM megann.licskai@yale.edu |
US & Canadian medical history; reproductive medicine & justice; gender, science, & medicine; feminist STS; emotions, science, & medicine; biopolitics; life, death & personhood; bodies & medicine in the media; health politics, activism, conservatism |
Gourav Krishna Nandi Lecturer in the History of Science and Medicine gouravkrishna.nandi@yale.edu |
History of global health; health and medicine in modern South Asia; postcolonial health policy; urban public health in the Global South; politics of refugee health; food, medicine, and law; health and governmentality; philosophy of history |
Ayah Nuriddin Assistant Professor ayah.nuriddin@yale.edu |
histories of eugenics, racial science, scientific racism, reproduction, and human subjects research |
Nana Osei Quarshie Assistant Professor nanaosei.quarshie@yale.edu |
West Africa; Medicine; Migration and Political Expulsions; Urbanization |
Joanna Radin Associate Professor of History of Medicine and History, and History and Anthropology, Director of Graduate Studies 2023-2024 joanna.radin@yale.edu Phone: 203-785-4258 |
Global histories of biology, ecology, medicine, and anthropology since 1945; history and anthropology of life and death; biomedical technology and computing; feminist, indigenous, and queer STS; science fiction |
Marco Ramos Assistant Professor marco.ramos@yale.edu Phone: 203-785-4338 |
Latin America and medicine; history of madness; health activism; Cold War; psychedelics and pharmaceuticals |
Bill Rankin Associate Professor of the History of Science, Chair of the History of Science and Medicine Program william.rankin@yale.edu |
Physical and earth sciences since the mid-nineteenth century; military, industrial, and governmental science; history of cartography; science and architecture; visual studies; environmental history |
Carolyn Roberts Assistant Professor of African American Studies, History and History of Medicine carolyn.roberts@yale.edu |
Medicine and slavery in the Atlantic world; race, medicine, and science; history of medicine in Africa and the African diaspora; health and protest in African American history; non-Western medicine and global health |
Naomi Rogers Professor of the History of Medicine and History naomi.rogers@yale.edu Phone: 203-785-4341 |
Historical interests: 20th and 21st century history of medicine, health inequities and social justice. Research focus: gender and health; disease and public health; disability; feminism; alternative medicine; health policy; and health activism |
Deborah Streahle Lecturer in the History of Science and Medicine deborah.streahle@yale.edu |
Health activism; end-of-life care; technology & medicine; STS; material culture; medical museums; psychedelic therapy; senses, emotions, and spatial histories |
John Harley Warner Avalon Professor of the History of Medicine; Professor of History and of American Studies; Chair of the Section of the History of Medicine (School of Medicine) john.warner@yale.edu Phone: 203-785-4338 |
19th & 20th century US medicine and health; Comparative history of medicine (US, Britain, France); Cultural history of science & medicine |