
Research Areas
Paola Bertucci's picture Paola Bertucci
Professor of History and History of Medicine; Curator-in-charge, History of Science and Technology Division, Peabody Museum
Phone: 203-432-1397
material histories of science and technology, museums and collecting, early modern craft and labor, the early modern body, 18th-century experimental philosophy
Sakena Abedin's picture Sakena Abedin
Lecturer in the History of Science and Medicine
20th century U.S. medicine; medicine and the social sciences; race and medicine; history of the U.S. healthcare system; healthcare in New Haven
Elaine Ayers's picture Elaine Ayers
Lecturer in History of Science & Medicine
Natural History; Colonialism; Art and Science; Collecting; Museum Studies; Botany
Deborah Coen's picture Deborah Coen
Professor of History & History of Science & Medicine
Phone: +1 (203) 436-8100
History of the modern physical and environmental sciences; Central European intellectual and cultural history
Ivano Dal Prete's picture Ivano Dal Prete
Lecturer in History, Director of Undergraduate Studies 2023-2024
Early history of the Earth sciences (1200-1800); Renaissance scientific literature in the vernacular; generation in the long eighteenth century; material and visual culture of astronomy and natural history; science, religion and society
Megann Licskai's picture Megann Licskai
Lecturer in the History of Science and Medicine; Senior Project Director, HSHM
US & Canadian medical history; reproductive medicine & justice; gender, science, & medicine; feminist STS; emotions, science, & medicine; biopolitics; life, death & personhood; bodies & medicine in the media; health politics, activism, conservatism
Gourav Krishna Nandi's picture Gourav Krishna Nandi
Lecturer in the History of Science and Medicine
History of global health; health and medicine in modern South Asia; postcolonial health policy; urban public health in the Global South; politics of refugee health; food, medicine, and law; health and governmentality; philosophy of history
Ayah Nuriddin's picture Ayah Nuriddin
Assistant Professor
histories of eugenics, racial science, scientific racism, reproduction, and human subjects research
Nana Osei Quarshie's picture Nana Osei Quarshie
Assistant Professor
West Africa; Medicine; Migration and Political Expulsions; Urbanization
Joanna Radin's picture Joanna Radin
Associate Professor of History of Medicine and History, and History and Anthropology, Director of Graduate Studies 2023-2024
Phone: 203-785-4258
Global histories of biology, ecology, medicine, and anthropology since 1945; history and anthropology of life and death; biomedical technology and computing; feminist, indigenous, and queer STS; science fiction
Marco Ramos's picture Marco Ramos
Assistant Professor
Phone: 203-785-4338
Latin America and medicine; history of madness; health activism; Cold War; psychedelics and pharmaceuticals
Bill Rankin's picture Bill Rankin
Associate Professor of the History of Science, Chair of the History of Science and Medicine Program
Physical and earth sciences since the mid-nineteenth century; military, industrial, and governmental science; history of cartography; science and architecture; visual studies; environmental history
Carolyn Roberts's picture Carolyn Roberts
Assistant Professor of African American Studies, History and History of Medicine
Medicine and slavery in the Atlantic world; race, medicine, and science; history of medicine in Africa and the African diaspora; health and protest in African American history; non-Western medicine and global health
Naomi Rogers's picture Naomi Rogers
Professor of the History of Medicine and History
Phone: 203-785-4341
Historical interests: 20th and 21st century history of medicine, health inequities and social justice. Research focus: gender and health; disease and public health; disability; feminism; alternative medicine; health policy; and health activism
Deborah Streahle's picture Deborah Streahle
Lecturer in the History of Science and Medicine
Health activism; end-of-life care; technology & medicine; STS; material culture; medical museums; psychedelic therapy; senses, emotions, and spatial histories
John Harley Warner's picture John Harley Warner
Avalon Professor of the History of Medicine; Professor of History and of American Studies; Chair of the Section of the History of Medicine (School of Medicine)
Phone: 203-785-4338
19th & 20th century US medicine and health; Comparative history of medicine (US, Britain, France); Cultural history of science & medicine