Jab by Jab: The Salk Polio Vaccine, The Needle, and Vaccine Hesitancy
“The Midwife Problem” Reintroduced: Health Disparities, Physicians, Nurse Midwives, and the Search to Prevent Maternal Death 1980-2000
Dissecting Cultural Perceptions of Lobotomy: Psychosurgery’s Rise in Popular Media of Post-World War II America
Making a Movement on the Margins: Obscured Histories of Chicana Health Activism in the American Southwest, 1967-1980
Behind Bras and Bars: A Legal History of Breastfeeding in American Prisons
The “New Addict” and the Institution: Therapeutic Incarceration and Dissent at the Lexington Narcotic Farm, 1935-1974
Locked Out of Choice: Examining Abortion Access for Incarcerated Women
“Am I Sick or Just Discarded?” : Psychiatry, Health Care Reform, and the Rise of Geriatrics in America, 1931-1954
Remaking Humanity: International Planned Parenthood and Population Control in South Asia in the late Twentieth Century
Sense-able Hauntings: Ethics and Narratives in Ornithological Specimen Preservation at Yale’s Peabody Museum
The Radical and the Regressive: Understanding the Consequences of the American Social Hygiene Association’s Contradictory Campaign Against Venereal Diseases during the American Progressive Era
Sculpting the Negative Space: Dr. Barry Grayson, DDS and the Role of Fine Art at the Vanguard of Cleft Lip and Palate Care, 1980s-Present
“A Filipino Family Photo Album: A Multimedia Project Exploring the Experiences of Filipino Immigrant Healthcare Workers in the United States from the 1990s to the present”
If the Tools Don’t Get New Ones: The Liberian Health Sector Pool Fund as a Mechanism of Decolonization of a Post-Colonial Health Sector in Liberia
Twilight Sleep: “Painless” Birth, Eugenics, and Religion 1914-1915
Tradition and Modernity in Sri Lankan Healing - A Glance Into Medical Pluralism Within Postcolonial Health Care in Galle
Haunted Horizons: Ghost Stories for the American “Psychedelic Renaissance”, 1950-2023
“For the Community, By the Community”: Protecting the Hep B Mom in NYC, 1980-2014
Don’t Bite the Hand that Feeds You: US Food Politics, Activism, and Power, 1964-1973
“How Science Studies the Child”: Arnold Gesell and The Eugenics Origins of Child Development at Yale, 1911-1948
Within the walls and outside the gates: Yale’s laboratory for early 20th-century eugenic knowledge production in New Haven
Negotiating Meanings of Illness: Experiences of Hookworm Infection in Puerto Rican Coffee Laborers at the Turn of the 20th Century
Polio and Politics: Vaccincation, Government, and Capitalism in Canada and the United States, 1952-1960
“Our Church Lights the Way”: The Black Church Response to HIV/AIDS in Connecticut, 1981-2005
White Pow(d)er Problem: Infant drug dependency and the demonization of Black and Brown mothers
The Formation of the Indian Health Board: Culturally Sustaining Healthcare in the Phillips Neighborhood of Minneapolis, 1971-Present
Analyzing the Relationship between Race and Hypertension: The Role of the Puerto Rico Heart Health Program
Opening a Can or Worms: Hookworm Science, Medical Exlusion, and Public Health in the United States at the Turn of the 20th Century
Sperm Runners, Turkey Basters, and the ‘Gayby Boom:’ Lesbian Reproductive Rights Activism in the United States Between 1970-2000
Make “Womb” for IVF: Baby Boomers and the Wild West of America’s Infertility Business(es), 1970-2000
Dear Dr. Dickinson: Eugenics, Sexuality, & Pleasure in Early 20th-Century American Gynecology
A Sisterhood in the Shadows: Difference, Division, and Disparity Among Black Women in Twentieth-Century Breast Cancer Activism
Gendering of the Cigarette: How Virginia Slims Capitalized on Second-Wave Feminism to Recruit Women Smokers
Yale’s Dark Underbelly: The American Eugenics Society in the 1920s and 30s and Its Devastating Legacy of Racialized Reproductive Control
The Lasting Legacy of World War Politics on American Healthcare
Tipping the Bucket: How One Louisiana Community Leveraged Local Expertise and Scientific Information Against Shell Chemical
The New York City Blueprint: How and Why We Should Use Modern Munipical Zoning as a Form of Preventative Care
On Community: Finding Fluidity and Redefining Purpose at Yale
Money, Mothers, & Misoprostol: Linking Post-Colonial Economic Policy to Maternal Health and Abortion in Nigeria
Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARCs) as a Method of Social Control Among Incarcerated Women: Norplant as a Case Study
Investigating British Medicine as an agent of colonialism within India and the Caribbean during Indian Indentureship (1834-1920)
Structural Violence & Small Victories: Political Epidemiology of HIV Among MSM in Nigeria, 2000-2010
Legalizing Weed: The Intersection of the Orphan Drug Act, Marijuana, and Patient Advocacy
Mastery of the Dead: A Dissection of Nathan Smith & Nineteenth Century American Medical Grave Robbery
A Representational Come Down: Indigeneity, Identity Formation, and Fetishized Authenticity within the Psychedelic Tourism of Huautla de Jimenez
“Simple, Quick and Wrong”: Tuberculosis Control and Expansion of the Carceral State at the Turn of the 21st Century
“Danger Now in the School”: Trachoma, Japanese Immigration, and Yellow Peril in Progressive Era San Francisco
Pepper “Physic”: Melegueta Pepper as Medicine during the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Intersectional “Inclusion”: Safety and Reproductive Justice in Clinical Studies of Maternal-Fetal HIV Transmission
Defining the Bracero: How a State Sponsored Narrative Separated the Person From the Body of the Mexican Worker
Falsas Promesas: The Untold Story of Hip Hop in the South Bronx
A Nation Violent Healing: A Critical Disability Approach to Vietnamese Histories of Resistance, Medicine, and Health, 1880s-1990s
Conceptualizing Choice: Eugenic Sterilization in the United States and the Genesis of Reproductive Rights
Adopting Orphan Drug Policy: Pharmaceutical Power, Patient Voice, and Conservatism in Regulating the Rare Disease Market, 1983-1990
The Foundations of Modern Drug Policy in 20th Century South Korea
The Quest for An HIV/AIDS Vaccine: A Decades-Long Failure
“Fluoridation Remains a Complicated Matter for Worcester” A History of Community Water Fluoridation and its Repeated Rejection in Worcester, Massachusetts (1901-Present)
“No parent should have to watch their child die” The value and cost of saving human life created by the Orphan Drug Act of 1983
Let’s Bring Health Care to the Patient: The Usage of Holistic Medicine as a Means of Revolutionary Care and Liberation in New York, 1969-1979
Constructing Contagion: Imperial Narratives of Disease in Hawai’i from 1853-1900
Community Psychiatry at the Connecticut Mental Health Center: The Battlegrounds for Fred Harris and Yale University
Finding Healing at the End of the Rainbow: Challenges Faced by the Chicago Rainbow Coalition’s Health Justice Projects in the 1970s
Political Solutions to Political Problems: Rejecting the Concept of Neutral Humanitarianism from the African Slave Trade to Doctors Without Borders
(Mis)Managed Care: How Insurers & Exceptionalism Hindered HIV/AIDS Care in the United States, 1980-2000
Politicians, Physicians, and Parents: Vaccine Hesitancy and Trust in Science in the United States, 1998-2003
Second-Class Patients in the Second City: Chicago as a Case Study of Racial Discrimination in Health, 1950-1980
Returning to Values: How the Health Security Act’s Narrative and Legacy Went Astray
Mass Media, the Demonization of Latina Fertility, and Immigrant Welfare Reform in the United States from 1965 to the Present
Power, Politics, and Pluralism in the Establishment of Community-Based Care in San Francisco’s Chinatown, 1850-1925
The Danger and the Endangered: Black Women’s Institutional Fight With Infertility and Reproductive Healthcare, 1800-2021
The Wrong Road to Recovery: Health Outcomes and Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia during the Late 20th and Early 21st Centuries
Waking up from the American Dream: From Hero to Patient Zero
The Political Use of Melancholia During the Eighteenth-Century British Parlimentary Hearings to Abolish the Slave Trade
Miracle Products for Rearing Flawless Children: Baby Product Advertisements and Childcare Advice in Popular Women’s Magazines During the Baby Boom Era (1946-1964)
Women’s Fight for Athletic Equality: Post-Title IX Athletics and the Media Depiction of Female Athletes, 1972-1989
Breakfast is the Most Important Fight of the Day: A Historical Examination of the Public Health Implications of the Black Panther Party’s Free Breakfast Program
Adolescent Abortion: A Look at Medical Textbooks and the Provider Shortage, 1960-2020
“High Stakes & High Standards:” Black Club Women’s Community Health Work and the Burden of Respectability, 1890-1920
Maternity Care’s New “Magic Word”: An Analysis of The Development of the Nurse-Midwifery Profession in New Haven, 1950-1985
Uncovering Forgotten History: Frankwood E. Williams and the Soviet Medical Model, 1930-1936
Truth Hurts: Youth-Targeted Anti-Tobacco Marketing from the Florida Tobacco Pilot Program’s “Truth” Campaign, 1997-2002
Trust Me, I’m a Doctor: ‘Experts,’ Fox News, and its Politization of Scientific and Medical Reporting
Pathologizing the Poor: The Role of Public Hospitals in the Coerced Sterilization of Mexican Women in Los Angeles, 1960s-1970s
When Healing is Home: Sansei Development of Japanese American Identity and Community Though Healthcare Practice in the Late Twentieth Century
The Missing Men of Sub-Saharan Africa: Gender Asymmetry in HIV/AIDS Healthcare
Lessons from the Past: Chernobyl and COVID-19 in the Russian Federation
The Pox, the Clap, and Abolition: Comparing the Complicated Role of Venereal Disease in the Abolition of Slavery in the British Caribbean and the Southern United States, 1780-1865
“…stories that save our lives”: Black Feminist Articulations of Sickness and Health in 1980s Fiction and Nonfiction Literature
China’s Barefoot Doctors and the Black Panther Party’s Maoist Health Activism
A Historical Analysis of the Failing Psychiatric Field in Kenya: The Colonial Hangover, 1900-today
“Gastric Cancer: A Death Sentence No More?”: The Rise of Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques in South Korea and Their Social Impacts, 1980-2019
Golden Opportunity: Anglo American and the Corporate Response during the South African HIV Epidemic
“Protecting Our Children?”: An Analysis of Anti-Vaccination and Shifting Sentiments in the United States, 1990-2006
New Life after Death: The Resettlement and Rise of Culturally Care for Vietnamese Refugees after the Vietnam War
“We Asked for Life”: How Inmates at North Carolina Correctional Center for Women Combated the Facilitated Death of their Bodies, Minds and Spirits as Sisters in Arms
Policy on Pause: The Environmental Movement Under the Reagan Administration
Pretty Pricey Pill: The Puerto Rican Oral Contraceptive Trials and The Puerto Rican Women who Made it Happen, 1940-1960
Diagnosis Murder: Thomsonians on Trial
Death by Their Own Hand: Suicide of the Enslaved in the American South, 1619-1880
Complications, Care, and the Catholic Church: The Alliance Between Catholic and Lay Hospitals
Historicizing The Co-Evolution of Epigenetics and Multigenerational Trauma
Racism, Health, and Social Context in the United States, 1971-1999
“Putrid Disorders and Dangerous Diseases”: Slave Ship Surgeons’ Journals and Medicine on the Middle Passage
Corporate Social Responsibility in the Pharmaceutical Industry: An Analysis of Accountability and Responsibility in South Africa During the AIDS Crisis
Private Foundations and Strategic Partnerships for Health: Bloomberg Philanthropies and Drowning Prevention in Bangladesh
Drug Reform During the Cold War (1947-1991): The effects of Cold War policies on the growth of the United States pharmaceutical industry and the spread of antibiotic resistance
Why now: INGO Response to Hurricane Katrina through the lens of Save the Children
Mandatory Vaccination: The Legislation and Policies of the Mid-20th Century
Plight and Promise in the Muck City: Health of the American Migrant Laborer Through the Lens of Belle Glade
The Contentious Clitoris: Representation of the Clitoris in 20th-century America, and its Implications
“Statues of Liberty”: Willy Meyer, William Halsted, and the Development of the Radical Mastectomy from 1880 to 1920
The Naked, The Nurturing & The Noble; A Medical Historical Analysis of the Black Female Body and Mind, Through Athletics
Healthism in Healthcare Disparities: The 1985 Heckler Report and the Reframing of Diabetes
Searching for Care in a Segregated City: Detroit’s Black Hospitals and the Integration of American Healthcare, 1945-1975
Transforming Managed Healthcare: How Health Maintenance Organizations Altered the Doctor-Patient Relationship in a Commercialized Consumer Era, 1982-2004
Home for the Helpless: The History of Institutional Care Environments for Dementia Patients in the Late Twentieth Century
“Actors in the Own Right”: African American Agency in the Birth Control Movement 1912-1939
Elusive Lesbians of Apache Junction: Discourses and Institutions of Queer Aging, 1960-2007
A Historical Investigation of Healthcare And Its Relation to Undocumented Immigrants in California in the 20th Century
Pesticides, Panic and Protest: The McFarland Cancer Cluster and the United Farm Worker’s “Wrath of Grapes” Boycott, 1982-1991
The Foundations of Preventative Dentistry: Defined by American Social and Political Events of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
“Water! bright Water!” Water Cures and Mineral Springs in Antebellum America
Haiti, Health and Hate: Understanding Media Representations of AIDS among the Haitian Population in the 1980s
“Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence”: The National Black Women’s Health Project and Self Help Groups, 1983-1989
From Lazy Gene to Lazy Germ: How the Hookworm Campaign in Puerto Rico During the Early Twentieth Century Shaped U.S. Colonial Medicine
The Evolution of the Smile: How the Constructed Cultural Gaze Changed the Perception of Orthodontics and Cosmetic Surgery in the Twentieth Century
Death and Doctors: Lethal Injection and the Legal Transformation of Medical Ethics
When Historical Scars are Still Open Wounds: The Ongoing History of the Medical Disregard of Black Women’s Pain During Childbirth
“Kids First?”: Imagined Futures and Shifting Conceptions of Risk in Hepatitis B Immunization Policy in the United States, 1982-1999
Idealism Meets Isolation: The Founding of the First Community Health Center during the War on Poverty at Columbia Point, Boston
A New “Golden Age of Science”: How Studying the History of Science can Inform the furture of Science in Ireland
Beyond the Big Blue: The Global Strategic Expansion of IBM and Rise of Statistical Surveillance from 1933 to 2012
Traditional Medicine: Is There a Place for Traditional South African Medicine within South Africa’s Modern Health Care System?
Healthcare in the Coalfields: Company Doctors in Central Appalachia, 1914-1933
“What do we have against our children?”: The Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America and Universal Child Care Policy 1967-1975
Men’s Bodies, Men’s Menopause: A Historical Examination of the Concept of Male Menopause in Light of the Second Wave Feminist Movement
The Importance of Cultural Competence and Relativism in Case of Human Rights Violations: Protecting the Health and Rights of Ghanaians with Mental Illness
Forty Years Before #metoo: A Historical Analysis of Rape Trauma Syndrome and the Female Victim
#ThisIsOurLane: Driving the Movement for Gun Violence as A Public Health Issue
A Decade of Diphtheria: A Shift in Targeting Caucasian to African American Children During the Baltimore Diphtheria Campaigns, 1931-1941
“There Are No Short Term, Band Aid, Knee Jerk Solutions”: Health Care for the Homeless in 1980s Boston
First, Do No Harm?: The Role of Medicine in the Criminalization of Clarice Johnson, Melanie Green, and the 1990s “Crack Mother”
Helen Rodriguez-Trias and Puerto Rican Health Activism in New York City: How interactions with providers influenced activism in the 1960s and 1970s
“An Example to His Mentors”: The Family Health Care Center, Medical Student Activism, and Race Relations in Newark, 1965-1972
To Affinity and Beyond: Tables, Textbooks, and the Disciplinary Development of Chemistry in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Promiscuous Reading: Nineteenth Century Reading Addiction as a Case Study for the Social Construction and Stigmatization of Behavioral Addictions
Psychiatry on Trial: The Effect of John Hinckley’s Insanity Defense on the Legitimacy of Psychiatry in 1980s America
How to Save a Life: The Pursuit of Effective Altruism in Humanitarian Medicine
The Ultimate Magic Bullet: Exercise, Chronic Disease, and Social Enhancement in the Late 20th Century United States
Slipping Through the Cracks: A Biological and Socio-Historical Study of Tuberculois Amongst Refugees in the United States
A Review of Antibiotic Resistance in the United States: A Case Study of MRSA through Media, Legislation, and Infection Control Programs
A Call to Arms: Analyzing the Battle of Blood Banks in the Context of Donor Recruitment and Marketing, 1945-1980
Dog and Science in the United States
Hey Kid, Want a Cigarette? An Exploration of R.J. Reynolds’ American Advertising Campaign and the Resurgence of the Anti-Tobacco Movement, 1988-1998
Clitoral Controversy: The Rise and Fall of the Clitoridectomy in Victorian England
A New Male Malady: “Shell Shock” During World War I in Britain
Billions and Billions: Carl Sagan, Cosmos, and the Making of Popular Science in America
From Well-Seasoned Entertainer to Political Pot Stirrer: British Celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver’s 21st Century Transformation from Uneducated Cook to Food Policy Activist and Nutrition Expert
The Body Issue: What Global and Historical Perspectives of the Ideal Female Body Can Teach Us About Our Own Present-day Bodies
Parry Defeats Eliza: Joseph Weizenbaum, Kenneth Mark Colby, and the Early Quest for Computerized Psychotherapy
From Spermicides to the Pill: A History of Contraceptive Advertising in Popular Culture Magazines
“Nothing About Us, Without Us:” The Rise of Self-Advocacy in the Disability Rights Movement
Empowerment and Oppression: A Contextulization and Explanation of the Perception of Rape Trauma Syndrome in 1970s and 1980s America
The Stigmatization & Medicalization of Habits: A Case Study on Body-Focused Repetitive Disorders
Transferic Animal Development and Goverment Regulation through the 21st Century (1970-2009)
“Lunacy under the Burden of Freedom:” Race and Insanity in the American South, 1840-1890
“Rules? I’m not here for rules; I’m here to be a doctor:” A Case Study of Japenese-American Female Physicians Who Served During Their Own Internment
From “Wetbacks” to Mexican Americans: Health and Assimilation in Hidalgo County, Texas, 1949-1970
The Rise of Vegetarian Nutrition in Twentieth Century America
Respatializing Evolution and Reimagining Shared Life: Becoming-with, Living-with, and Dissociating-from in Deep Ocean Invertebrate-Bacterial Symbioses