>> Click HERE to download the HSMPH requirements spreadsheet! <<
(Your advisor will keep the official version, but you can use this for planning and keeping track of your progress.)
The major in History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health (HSHM) requires twelve term courses, including the two-term senior requirement. Students select a concentration of seven courses that guides them through an area of specialization. The seven concentration courses must include two courses in HSHM; one seminar numbered 100 or above in HSHM or History; one science course; and three electives chosen from relevant courses in any department.
The seven standard concentrations in the major are: medicine and public health; science, technology, and society; gender, reproduction, and the body; media, knowledge, and the public; environment and society; colonialism, knowledge and power; and minds and brains. Students may also design a custom concentration in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies. No later than the beginning of the junior year, students in the major must select a standard concentration or indicate that they will design their own.
Beyond the seven concentration courses, students must complete three additional electives in HSHM. One of the electives must be a seminar, and one must be chosen from a concentration other than the one selected for the major. (This means that the course must not have an “x” in the student’s concentration in the spreadsheets linked on the Concentration page.) All courses for the major are chosen in collaboration with the student’s advisor.