Here is an example of a pathway in Science, Technology, and Society:
1) HSHM course: HSHM 226 The Scientific Revolution
2) HSHM course: HSHM 211 Catastrophe and the Earth Sciences since 1850
3) Seminar (HSHM or History): HSHM 411 Science: Newton to Neutrons
4) Elective (any department): EVST 120 Introduction to Environmental History
5) Elective (any department): ANTH 438 Culture, Power, Oil
6) Elective (any department): BENG 405 Biotech and the Developing World
7) Science elective: MCDB 370 Biotechnology
HSHM courses in this pathway:
courses numbered 400 and above are seminars
HSHM 002 Medicine and Disease in the Ancient World
HSHM 004 Technology and American Medicine
HSHM 009 Revolutions and Environment in Latin America
HSHM 204 American Environmental History
HSHM 206 Science & Technology in the U.S.
HSHM 207 American Energy History
HSHM 210 Global Histories of Identification and Surveillance
HSHM 211 Global Catastrophe since 1750
HSHM 212 Historical Perspectives on Global Health
HSHM 214 Extraterrestrials in History
HSHM 216 Minds and Brains in America
HSHM 218 Science from Newton to Neutrons
HSHM 226 The Scientific Revolution
HSHM 227 Science in the Ancient and Premodern World
HSHM 235 Epidemics and Society in the West since 1600
HSHM 242 Molecules, Life, & Disease: 20th Century
HSHM 401 Critical Issues in the History of Technology
HSHM 403 Art, Nature, and the Modern World
HSHM 405 Historical Perspectives on Gender and Technology
HSHM 407 Collecting Nature and Art
HSHM 408 Science and Human Sciences
HSHM 409 Minds & Brains from Phrenology to fMRI
HSHM 410 The Science and Politics of Pollution
HSHM 411 Science: Newton to Neutrons
HSHM 412 Laboratory Life
HSHM 413 X-Ray Visions: Medical Imaging since 1895
HSHM 413 An Introduction to Surveillance Studies
HSHM 414 Ancient Greek Medicine
HSHM 415 Historical Perspectives on Science and Religion
HSHM 416 Engineering the Modern Body
HSHM 420 History of Addiction
HSHM 422 Cartography, Territory, and Identity
HSHM 423 Biomedical Futures Since 1945
HSHM 425 Gender in Science and Medicine
HSHM 430 Mental Illness and Crime in American Culture
HSHM 434 Science and Religion in Spanish Narrative
HSHM 435 New Approaches to Early Science, Medicine, and Technology
HSHM 437 The Global Crisis of Malaria
HSHM 438 The Neurological Condition
HSHM 439 Scientific Instruments and the Making of Knowledge
HSHM 447 History of Chinese Science
HSHM 448 American Medicine and the Cold War
HSHM 453 Culture and Human Evolution
HSHM 454 Natural History in History
HSHM 455 History of the Body
HSHM 457 Other Minds
HSHM 458 Technology and Power
HSHM 459 Spies, Secrets, and Science
HSHM 469 Photography and the Sciences
HSHM 473 Vaccination in Historical Perspective
HSHM 479 History of the Earth from Noah to Darwin
HSHM 480 Black Bodies and White Science in South Africa
HSHM 482 Race, Gender, and Surveillance
HSHM 483 Health, Disease, and Racial Difference in Modern America
HSHM 487 Disability, Science, and Society
HSHM 488 The History of Drugs in 20th-Century America