Gender, Reproduction, and the Body

Here is an example of a pathway in Gender, Reproduction, and the Body:

1) HSHM course: HSHM 215 Public Health in America

2) HSHM course: HSHM 455 History of the Body: Science, Medicine, and the Arts

3) Seminar (HSHM or History): HSHM 411 Sex, Life, Generation

4) Elective (any department): WGSS 623 Sociology of Sex and Gender  

5) Elective (any department): EVST 358 Gender, Justice, and Environment 

6) Elective (any department): BENG 405 Biotech and the Developing World 

7) Science elective: E&EB 525 Evolutionary Biology

HSHM courses in this pathway:

courses numbered 400 and above are seminars

HSHM 002 Medicine and Disease in the Ancient World

HSHM 004 Technology and American Medicine

HSHM 206 Science & Technology in the U.S.

HSHM 210 Global Histories of Identification and Surveillance

HSHM 215 Public Health in America, 1793 to the Present

HSHM 234 Medicine and Health in Society

HSHM 241 Sickness and Health in African American History

HSHM 405 Historical Perspectives on Gender and Technology

HSHM 406 Healthcare for the Urban Poor

HSHM 414 Ancient Greek Medicine

HSHM 416 Engineering the Modern Body

HSHM 425 Gender in Science and Medicine

HSHM 432 Politics of Reproduction

HSHM 433 Gender and Science

HSHM 438 The Neurological Condition

HSHM 445 Women and Medicine in America

HSHM 448 American Medicine and the Cold War

HSHM 455 History of the Body

HSHM 463 Social Governance in Early America

HSHM 468 Sex, Life, and Generation

HSHM 480 Black Bodies and White Science in South Africa

HSHM 481 Medicine, Race, and the Slave Trade

HSHM 482 Race, Gender and Surveillance

HSHM 483 Health, Disease, and Racial Difference in Modern America

HSHM 487 Disability, Science, and Society