Angelica Clayton
“Traumatic Information: Interpersonal Violence and the Cybernetic Human”
Deborah Streahle
“Care Underground: Activists and the Transformation of American Dying inthe 1960s”
Maya Sandler
“All Inclusive Care: Infrastructures of Aging Activism, 1965-1987”
Simon Torracinta
“Economy of Desire: The Sciences of Human Wants, 1870-1950”
Liana DeMarco
“Sick Time: Medicine, Management, and Slavery in Louisiana and Cuba, 1763-1868”
Megann Licskai
“Pro-Life Science: The Production and Circulation of Reproductive Knowledge in North American Anti-Abortion Movements, 1968-2003”
Gourav Krishna Nandi
“A Crisis of Health: Health Planning and Urban Health in Early Postcolonial India, 1947-1960”
Sarah Pickman
“The Right Stuff: Material Culture, Comfort, and the Making of Explorers, 1820-1940”
Barbara DiGennaro
“No Antidote Without Poison, Theriac From the Sixteenth Century to the Nineteenth Century”
Jonny Bunning
“Life as Investment: How Humans Became Capital 1890-1980”
Caroline Lieffers
“Imperial Ableism: Disability and American Expansion, c. 1850-1930”
Charlotte Abney Salomon
“Products of the Mineral Kingdom: Mineral Science in Sweden, 1740-1820”
Katherrine Healey
“Lending Their Ears: Hearing, Deafness, and Aural Citizenship in World War II America”
Catherine Mas
“The Culture Brokers: Medicine and Anthropology in Global Miami, 1960-1995”
Haesoo Park
“An Epigenetic Century: The History and Future of a New Science of Life”
Ashanti Shih
“Invasive Ecologies: Science and Settler Colonialism in Twentieth-Century Hawai’i”
Laurel Waycott
“The Pattern-Seekers: The Science of Discernment, 1850-1920”
Tess Lanzarotta
“Unsettling Biomedicine: Research, Care, and Indigenous Rights in Cold War Alaska”
Marco Ramos
“Making Disappearance Visible: Psychoanalysis, Trauma, and Human Rights in Cold War Argentina”
Sakena Abedin
“Doctor’s Orders: Medicine, Social Science and the Study of Patient Compliance, 1950-1990”
Gerardo Con Diaz
“Intangible Inventions: A History of Software Patenting in the United States, 1945-1985”
Jenna Healey
“Sooner or Later: Age, Pregnancy, and the Reproductive Revolution in Late Twentieth-Century America”
Mary Augusta Brazelton
“Vaccinating the Nation: Public Health and Mass Immunization in Modern China, 1900–60”
Tyler Griffith
“Seeing Race: Techniques of Vision and Human Difference in the Eighteenth Century”
Kathryn Irving
“Happy and Useful: Educating Children with Disabilities in Nineteenth-Centurty America”
Heidi Knoblauch
“Patient’s Posture: Medical Photography, Collecting, and Privacy, 1862–1962”
Kelly O’Donnell
“The Political is Personal: Barbara Seaman and the History of the Women’s Health Movement”
Joy Rankin
“Personal Computing before Personal Computers: The Origins of America’s Digital Culture”
Rachel Rothschild
“A Poisonous Sky: Scientific Research and International Diplomacy on Acid Rain”
Vreni Schoenenberger
“Sour Milk: The World Health Organization, Policy Production, and the Nestle Infant Formula Controversy”
Ying Jia Tan
“Revolutionary Current: Electricity and the Formation of the Party-State in China and Taiwan, 1937–1957”
Courtney Thompson
“Criminal Minds: Medicine, Law, and the Phrenological Impulse in America, 1830–1890”
Justin Barr
“Surgical Repair of the Arteries in War and Peace, 1880–1960”
Robin Scheffler
“Cancer Viruses and the Construction of Biomedicine in the United States from 1900 to 1980”
Paul Shin
“Entertaining Cures: Mesmerism, Anesthesia, and the Public Culture of Science in Nineteenth Century America”
Ziv Eisenberg
“The Whole Nine Months: Women, Men, and the Making of Modern Pregnancy in America”
Heather Varughese
“Practicing Physicians: The Intern & Resident Experience in the American Medical Education, 1945–2003”
Helen Anne Curry
“Accelerating Evolution, Engineering of Life: American Agriculture and Technologies of Genetic Modification, 1925–1960”
Deborah Doroshow
“Emotionally Disturbed: Residential Treatment, Child Psychiatry, and the Creation of Normal Children in Mid-Twentieth-Century America”
Rana Hogarth
“Comparing Anatomies, Constructing Races: Medcine and Slavery in the Atlantic World, 1787–1838”
Brendan Matz
“Crafting Heredity: The Art and Science of Livestock Breeding in the United States and Germany, 1860–1914”
Alistair Marcus Kwan
“Architectures of Astronomical Observation: From Sternwarte Kassel (ca. 1560) to the Radcliffe Observatory (1772)”
Brian Patrick Casey
“Against the Materialists: John Carew Eccles, Karl Raimund Popper, and the Ghost in the Machine”
Julia F. Irwin
“Humanitarian Occupations, Foreign Relief and Assistance in the Formation of American International Identities”
Crispin Barker
“Biomedical Research into Human Aging, 1937–1998”
Todd Olszewski
“Cholesterol: A Scientific, Medical, and Social History, 1908–1962”
Kari Suzanne McLeod
“Health Matters: Public Understanding of Health in 1950s America”
Christiane Nockels Fabbri
“Continuity and Change in Late Medieval Plague Medicine: A Survey of 152 Plague Tracts from 1348 to 1599”
Beth O’Donnell Linker
“For Life and Limb: The Reconstruction of a Nation and its Disabled Soldiers in World War I America”
Sally Dunne Romano
“The Dark Side of the Sun: Skin Cancer, Sunscreen, and Risk in Twentieth-Century America”
Neeraja Sankaran
“Frank Macfarlane Burnet and the Nature of the Bacteriophage, 1925–1937”
David K. Hecht
“Tumult in the Clouds: Robert Oppenheimer and American Science”
Mary Yearl
“The Time of Bloodletting”
Gretchen Marie Krueger
“‘A cure is near’: children, families, and cancer in America, 1945–1980”
Sarah Janvier Lewis
“Jean Pecquet (1622–1674) and the Thoracic duct: the controversy over the circulation of the blood and lymph in seventeenth-century Europe”
Frederick Rowe Davis
“Pesticides and toxicology: episodes in the evolution of environmental risk assessment (1937–1997)”
Danian Hu
“Einstein and His Relativity Theory in China: The Introduction, Assimilation and Reaction, 1917–1979”
Randy Ryan Kidd
“New wine in old wineskins: traditional beliefs about the heart and blood among the Oxford Group, 1650–1680”
James G. Hanley
“All actions great and small: English sanitary reform, 1840–1865”
Louise Yvonne Palmer
“The early scientific work of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier: in the field and in the laboratory, 1763–1767”
Gwen Elizabeth Kay
“Regulating Beauty: Cosmetics in American culture from the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act to the 1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act”
Mary P. Sutphen
“Imperial Hygiene in Calcutta, Cape Town, and Hong Kong: The Early Career of Sir William John Ritchie Simpson (1855–1931)”
Jonathan William Engel
“Deinstitutionalization in Maryland: A state’s response to Federal legislation 1945–1975”
Terrie M. Romano
“Making Medicine Scientific: John Burdon Sanderson and the Culture of Victorian Science”
Carolyn G. Shapiro
“The Scientific Community and Typhoid Prevention: Public Health and the Chicago Drainage Case, 1900-1906”
Thomas Peter Gariepy
“Mechanism without metaphysics: Henricus Regius and the establishment of Cartesian medicine”