This year we had a record eight students finish their PhD – huge congratulations to all! Here are the students (alphabetically), with the titles of their dissertations; they have been added to our list of graduates.
Mary Brazelton
“Vaccinating the Nation: Public Health and Mass Immunization in Modern China, 1900–60”
Tyler Griffith
“Seeing Race: Techniques of Vision and Human Difference in the Eighteenth Century”
Heidi Knoblauch
“Patient’s Posture: Medical Photography, Collecting, and Privacy, 1862–1962”
Joy Rankin
“Personal Computing before Personal Computers: The Origins of America’s Digital Culture”
Rachel Rothschild
“A Poisonous Sky: Scientific Research and International Diplomacy on Acid Rain”
Vreni Schoenenberger
“Sour Milk: The World Health Organization, Policy Production, and the Nestle Infant Formula Controversy”
Ying Jia Tan
“Revolutionary Current: Electricity and the Formation of the Party-State in China and Taiwan, 1937–1957”
Courtney Thompson
“Criminal Minds: Medicine, Law, and the Phrenological Impulse in America, 1830–1890”