Media, Knowledge, and Visual Cultures

Here is an example of a pathway in Media, Knowledge, and Visual Cultures:

1) HSHM course: HSHM 214 Aliens - Extraterrestrial Life in History and Culture

2) HSHM course:HSHM 202 Media and Medicine in Modern America

3) Seminar (HSHM or History): HSHM 469 Photography and the Sciences

4) Elective (any department): HSAR 444 Image Making & Social Justice

5) Elective (any department): ART 136 Intro Black & White Photography

6) Elective (any department): ART 338 Intermediate Digital Photography

7) Science elective: ASTR S120 - Galaxies and the Universe

HSHM courses in this pathway:

courses numbered 400 and above are seminars

HSHM 202 Media and Medicine in Modern America

HSHM 206 Science & Technology in the U.S.

HSHM 211 Global Catastrophe since 1750

HSHM 214 Extraterrestrials in History

HSHM 223 Doctors and Patients

HSHM 226 The Scientific Revolution

HSHM 227 Science in the Ancient and Premodern World

HSHM 401 Critical Issues in the History of Technology

HSHM 403 Art, Nature, and the Modern World

HSHM 407 Collecting Nature and Art

HSHM 413 X-Ray Visions: Medical Imaging since 1895

HSHM 413 An Introduction to Surveillance Studies

HSHM 422 Cartography, Territory, and Identity

HSHM 423 Biomedical Futures Since 1945

HSHM 425 Gender in Science and Medicine

HSHM 430 Mental Illness and Crime in American Culture

HSHM 434 Science and Religion in Spanish Narrative

HSHM 435 New Approaches to Early Science, Medicine, and Technology

HSHM 439 Scientific Instruments and the Making of Knowledge

HSHM 454 Natural History in History

HSHM 455 History of the Body

HSHM 459 Spies, Secrets, and Science

HSHM 468 Sex, Life, and Generation

HSHM 469 Photography and the Sciences

HSHM 479 History of the Earth from Noah to Darwin

HSHM 480 Black Bodies and White Science in South Africa

HSHM 482 Race, Gender and Surveillance

HSHM 488 The History of Drugs in 20th-Century America